Greetings good patrons of d20!

In line with new government advice, d20’s doors are closed to customers and we are no longer doing food deliveries or takeaway. We can still get board games delivered to you for that isolation fun. Our most up-to-date stock-list.

Going forward we will continue d20 as a solely online business. But how I hear you cry?! Well, we shall tell you! We plan on bringing our events and communities online so you can get that d20 fuzzy feeling at home! Join our online Discord community to keep in-touch. More info and events to come!

For the lovelies who want to support us, we’ve added a few new things to our online shop. As well as gift vouchers and memberships, we’re bringing back our OG Kickstarter rewards such as board game sponsorship. Also be good to future you and purchase yourself a drink… for the future… from the past! Woah. 

Best of all, we’re throwing a party! A real party with socialising and everything! Before you tell us off, this will be a POST-CORONA party cos we can’t wait to party with you when this is all over. Buy your tickets now! 

See you on Discord, homies!

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